The issues were approached in a manner consistent with the Quranic vision, because the content, of what he (peace be upon him) issued, emanated from the Quran, the Book of Allah Almighty, and taught and explained it.
The most important thing that the researcher notices in the legal texts of the prostrator [Sajjad] (peace be upon him), is that they do not focus on the purely legal aspect, but rather view the law as the apparent, which must depend on the hidden in three courses. The first is knowledge and science, the second is moral traits, and the third is innate tendencies and feelings. These three courses, along with the apparent that depends on them, form four aspects based on one reference, which is the unified cosmic vision for building a complete human being and a righteous society, moving towards the existential goal for which man was created, enabling him to achieve his happiness in this worldly life and the hereafter.